From the age of four or five years old, everyone should visit our dentist in Oak Lawn IL for professional hygiene care at least twice a year. In fact, we can schedule the entire family on the same day. We have a top-notch team of dental hygiene professionals who are passionate about dental health maintenance and its impact to overall health. Get to know them here. To maintain oral health, it’s extremely important to stay up to speed on the condition of your teeth and gums, so that problems are diagnosed early. The earlier we detect dental problems, the less invasive it is to treat them and prevent more serious health challenges. Early treatment is often less expensive, too.
What to Expect in a Dental Teeth Cleaning?
- We’ll remove tartar and plaque above and below your gum line.
- We polish your teeth and apply fluoride topically.
- You’ll receive an oral examination of the mouth, gums, tongue and tonsils.
- We take 360-degree X-rays annually
Dental Health and Your Overall Health
Oral hygiene is only part of the equation when it comes to your overall health. At Inside the Smile, we consider the mouth a window to the rest of the body. That’s because many other illnesses first represent as changes within the mouth. With that approach, we perform a comprehensive oral health exam each time you visit for a cleaning. We make a visual and digital examination of lymph nodes throughout the face and neck. Abnormalities, pain, or flexibility within the nodes could be markers for disease. A similar examination of your lips, gums, tongue and other internal mouth surfaces follows, again looking for various signs of illness or disease. We take the time to discuss any significant change in your health history since your last regular visit, especially if you skip an appointment or two.
You’ll receive comfortable, gentle hygiene cleanings to detect, deter and prevent:
- Cavities and decay
- Broken teeth
- Gum recession
- Gingivitis
- Weaknesses in installed crowns, fillings and bridgework
- Deterioration due to abnormal bite, bruxism or TMJ
If we find a cause for concern, we may recommend a deep gum cleaning to remove tartar below the gum line, smooth out surfaces where plaque builds up and eliminate bacterial infection. Routine dental well checks can also provide the first detection of immune abnormalities, sinus and cardiovascular problems, leukemia, diabetes, high blood pressure and oral cancer. Dental cleanings improve bad breath and give teeth a healthy, clean appearance. To improve and maintain not just your oral health, but overall health as well, schedule your appointment today. Call 708-425-5300.