Traveling with Invisalign
When you leave the comfort of your own home, travel to another city or even another country, Dr. Mike’s Oak Lawn dental clinic won’t be so convenient any longer. You probably won’t think of these things before you leave, so we asked a mom of an Invisalign wearer for some tips when travelling.
In her words “Today, I want to share a different part of our experience, the goal to get straighter teeth while traveling. The things that we learned in our experience can help anyone else who has a crazy schedule that’s filled to the brim with activities and vacations/business trips.”
The Pain of Traditional Braces
When my other daughter, Maggie, was using traditional braces, she would avoid smiling because she was ashamed of all the metal on her mouth. The amount of time we had to spend at the dentist was also very annoying.
The worst part was the fact that her treatment time would be extended each time we would miss an adjustment appointment because we were out of town.
Teenage Girls and Braces
Keeping your braces on longer than you thought can be very upsetting for anyone; this is especially true for teenagers. I was really happy when Ashley decided to go for Invisalign. It would allow her to straighten her teeth without having to go to the dentist as often as Maggie had to.
We would be able to continue traveling just like we had scheduled and we wouldn’t have to stay in town for extended periods of time just to go to all the dentist appointments on time. What we quickly found out was that Invisalign treatment could give Ashley the perfect smile that she always wanted without infringing on the freedom to live our lives to the fullest.
Multiple Aligner Sets Means Fewer Dentist Visits
You’ll get multiple aligners throughout the treatment period. You’ll get a batch during each visit so that you can switch aligners at home rather than having to go to the dentist every time you need a new one.
Traditional brace adjustments need to be performed by the dentist in his office which is far more time-consuming. That adjust-it-yourself system made it possible for us to gradually straighten Ashley’s teeth while traveling to countries like Mexico, Jamaica, and even the island state of Hawaii.
Even families who don’t travel as often as us will appreciate the self-adjustment capabilities of Invisalign. Not having to miss school or sports practice to meet the dentist every week is a big plus.
I myself used traditional braces to straighten my teeth as a kid. Now, as an adult, I tried Invisalign out for myself — having seen the great work it did with Ashley — and I can say for certain that it’s far less painful than traditional braces are.
Fast(er) Results Even When Traveling
Invisalign is even twice as fast as it used to be which allows us to switch aligners weekly as opposed to bi-weekly. As a parent who went through the hell of traditional braces all those years ago and now using Invisalign, I can tell you that Invisalign is the CLEAR choice (get it?)
Teens today have more choices than ever when it comes to straightening their teeth.
Just a few decades ago, metal braces were practically a rite of passage into adulthood. Now there’s an easier option that doesn’t force discomfort and embarrassment on our kids by placing metal contraptions in their mouth.
If you’re worried about cost, don’t be, Invisalign prices are comparable to that of traditional braces. Don’t let your kid miss out on the virtue of a perfect smile, but don’t put her through an iron hell either, just contact the friendly dental team at Inside the Smile. You’ll have that perfect smile in no time.
There are a couple of things about the treatment experience you may not realize, so we gathered a few tips that have been relayed by real-life patients.
Straightening Your Teeth While Traveling on Vacation Outside of Chicago
If you’re planning on taking trips away from home, and you’re concerned about missing your orthodontic checkup and adjustment, Invisalign may be what you need. Get in touch with our local Oak Lawn dentist for more. As you heard from this mom of two teenage girls, carrying around an extra set of aligners means you can keep your smile on schedule!
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